Procurement Policies
Ser Name Published Date
01 AFD Procurement Policy-2010 (P... 22-02-2024
02 Defence Purchase Rules 35 22-02-2024
03 Misconduct and Defaulters 10-03-2024
Executive Committee Meeting - Decisions
Select Tender Opening Date
Latest Tender
Ser Name Published Date
01 Hook and Line Set 08-12-2024
02 Electronic Stethoscope 08-12-2024
03 Freeze Neutralizing 08-12-2024
04 Fuze Extractor 08-12-2024
05 Water Storage 2000 Liters Complete 08-12-2024
06 Water Storage 1200 Liters 08-12-2024
07 Repair and Overhaul of 06 X A1-222-25 Eng of YAK-130 AC 09-12-2024
08 Procurement of 05 X Line PAD Items for MIG-29B/UB and YAK-130 Aircraft 09-12-2024
09 Procurement of 03 X Line 23MM Carts with Link for YAK-130 Aircraft and MI Series Hel 09-12-2024
10 Procurement of Spares of FM-90 SHORAD Sys of 301 09-12-2024
11 Procurement of 12 X 09-12-2024
12 Proc 10 X HS- ENG of PT-6 Aircraft 09-12-2024
13 Belt Waist White, Qty: 5000 Nos 09-12-2024
14 Spare Part for Outboard Engine & Main Engine 09-12-2024
15 Spare Parts for shafting system 09-12-2024
16 Proof Load Test of 02 X Line Items (Reservoir assy qty-02 Ea and Actuator assy qty-02 Ea) for Arresting Barrier 09-12-2024
17 Diesel Driven Forklift 09-12-2024
18 Mobile Crane Light 09-12-2024
19 Truck Crane Mobile 09-12-2024
20 VHF Repeater Station (Digital) 09-12-2024
21 Hand Held Jammer 09-12-2024
22 Repair of unserviceable avionics 09-12-2024
23 Procurement of Spares for maint of Digital 09-12-2024
24 Procurement of Spares for all links 09-12-2024
25 Repair of unserviceable avionics 09-12-2024
26 Repair of unserviceable avionics eqpt 09-12-2024
27 Spare Parts for Tank MBT-2000 Qty-16 11-12-2024
28 Spare Parts for Tank MBT-2000 11-12-2024
29 Spare Parts for Installation of 10X Engine 6TD-2 for Tank MBT-2000 11-12-2024
30 Light Drilling Machine Rig 11-12-2024
31 EOD Tool Kits 11-12-2024
32 FM-90 Missile 11-12-2024
33 Manipulation Stick 11-12-2024
34 Under Vehicle Search 11-12-2024
35 2.5 Ton Winch 11-12-2024
36 Cream Separator Machine 11-12-2024
37 Automatic Milk Filling Machine 11-12-2024
38 Portable VSAT Terminal 11-12-2024
39 Spare Parts for Main Engine 12-12-2024
40 Repair and Overhaul of 01 X Rolls Royce Engine 12-12-2024
41 Overhaul of 01 X Propeller Assembly Part Number 697039001 12-12-2024
42 Repair of 03 X DE-ICER Boot of Propeller Assembly Part Number 697039001 12-12-2024
43 Procurement of Spares for RAT 31DL 12-12-2024
44 72 Months Inspection and 12 Years Structural Significant Items (SSI) Inspection of 02 X BN MPA 12-12-2024
45 Aerial Topographic Survey 12-12-2024
46 Procurement of Spares for 02 X WX Radar (VHDD 350C DP) BAF MTR & ZHR 12-12-2024
47 Forklift 12-12-2024
48 Diesel Driven 12-12-2024
49 Overhaul of Part No An-20 Series-5 Engine Each of AN-32 AC 12-12-2024
50 Heavy Duty Diesel Side 12-12-2024
51 Procurement of Avionics Spares for Mig-29B/UB Aircraft 12-12-2024
52 Forklift 12-12-2024
53 Procurement of 02 X Line Pad 12-12-2024
54 Procurement of 09 X Tester/Test Equipment 12-12-2024
55 Procurement of 06 X Line Smoke Carts 12-12-2024
56 Surveillance Rader System 12-12-2024
Ser Name Published Date
01 Water Storage 2000 Liters Complete 08-12-2024
02 Water Storage 1200 Liters 08-12-2024
03 Fuze Extractor 08-12-2024
04 Freeze Neutralizing 08-12-2024
05 Electronic Stethoscope 08-12-2024
06 Hook and Line Set 08-12-2024
07 Repair and Overhaul of 06 X A1-222-25 Eng of YAK-130 AC 09-12-2024
08 Diesel Driven Forklift 09-12-2024
09 Mobile Crane Light 09-12-2024
10 Truck Crane Mobile 09-12-2024
11 VHF Repeater Station (Digital) 09-12-2024
12 Hand Held Jammer 09-12-2024
13 Repair of unserviceable avionics 09-12-2024
14 Procurement of Spares for maint of Digital 09-12-2024
15 Procurement of Spares for all links 09-12-2024
16 Repair of unserviceable avionics 09-12-2024
17 Repair of unserviceable avionics eqpt 09-12-2024
18 Procurement of 12 X 09-12-2024
19 Procurement of 05 X Line PAD Items for MIG-29B/UB and YAK-130 Aircraft 09-12-2024
20 Procurement of 03 X Line 23MM Carts with Link for YAK-130 Aircraft and MI Series Hel 09-12-2024
21 Procurement of Spares of FM-90 SHORAD Sys of 301 09-12-2024
22 Proc 10 X HS- ENG of PT-6 Aircraft 09-12-2024
23 Belt Waist White, Qty: 5000 Nos 09-12-2024
24 Spare Part for Outboard Engine & Main Engine 09-12-2024
25 Spare Parts for shafting system 09-12-2024
26 Proof Load Test of 02 X Line Items (Reservoir assy qty-02 Ea and Actuator assy qty-02 Ea) for Arresting Barrier 09-12-2024
27 Portable VSAT Terminal 11-12-2024
28 Automatic Milk Filling Machine 11-12-2024
29 Cream Separator Machine 11-12-2024
30 2.5 Ton Winch 11-12-2024
31 Light Drilling Machine Rig 11-12-2024
32 Manipulation Stick 11-12-2024
33 Under Vehicle Search 11-12-2024
34 FM-90 Missile 11-12-2024
35 EOD Tool Kits 11-12-2024
36 Spare Parts for Tank MBT-2000 11-12-2024
37 Spare Parts for Tank MBT-2000 Qty-16 11-12-2024
38 Spare Parts for Installation of 10X Engine 6TD-2 for Tank MBT-2000 11-12-2024
39 Surveillance Rader System 12-12-2024
40 Aerial Topographic Survey 12-12-2024
41 Forklift 12-12-2024
42 Diesel Driven 12-12-2024
43 Heavy Duty Diesel Side 12-12-2024
44 Forklift 12-12-2024
45 Procurement of 06 X Line Smoke Carts 12-12-2024
46 Procurement of 09 X Tester/Test Equipment 12-12-2024
47 Procurement of 02 X Line Pad 12-12-2024
48 Procurement of Avionics Spares for Mig-29B/UB Aircraft 12-12-2024
49 Overhaul of Part No An-20 Series-5 Engine Each of AN-32 AC 12-12-2024
50 Procurement of Spares for 02 X WX Radar (VHDD 350C DP) BAF MTR & ZHR 12-12-2024
51 72 Months Inspection and 12 Years Structural Significant Items (SSI) Inspection of 02 X BN MPA 12-12-2024
52 Procurement of Spares for RAT 31DL 12-12-2024
53 Repair of 03 X DE-ICER Boot of Propeller Assembly Part Number 697039001 12-12-2024
54 Overhaul of 01 X Propeller Assembly Part Number 697039001 12-12-2024
55 Repair and Overhaul of 01 X Rolls Royce Engine 12-12-2024
56 Spare Parts for Main Engine 12-12-2024
57 Tractor Aircraft 15-12-2024
58 Out Board Motor 15-12-2024
59 Safety Light Probe 15-12-2024
60 IED Tool Kit 15-12-2024
61 Neutralizing Equipment Fuze 15-12-2024
62 Water Purification Set 18-12-2024
63 ULD Containers 18-12-2024
64 Passenger Set AU-Set 18-12-2024
65 Portable X Ray System (Comp) 18-12-2024
66 Mine Detector, Qty-10 Nos 18-12-2024
67 Bomb Locator, Qty-12 Nos 18-12-2024
68 Toner - Laser Printer HP Laser Z Pro M 404 dn & Laser Printer Brother 18-12-2024
69 Overhaul of 02 X WP-13F Engine 19-12-2024
70 Procurement of Avionics Spares for F-7BG/FT-7BG Aircraft 19-12-2024
71 Repair and Overhaul of 03 X WP-7C (03) Engine ... 19-12-2024
72 Overhaul of 01X MI-171E 19-12-2024
73 Procurement of 18 X Line Spare Items for Digital Video Recorder (DVR) and Color Cockpit TV Sensor (CCTVS) of F-7BG/FT-7BG & F-7 BGI/FT-7 BGI AC 19-12-2024
74 Calibration of 32 X Line Testers/Test Eqpt and Tools/Tooling (Used for Overhauling of PL-9C Missile) by foreign Calibration Team 19-12-2024
75 Spare Parts for Tactical 19-12-2024
76 Spare Parts for Tactical Date 19-12-2024
77 Ultra High Performance Liquid 19-12-2024
78 Defuzing and Depriming 19-12-2024
79 VHF/UHF Transceiver 19-12-2024
80 Main Engine (Qty 05 Complete) 19-12-2024
81 Excavator 19-12-2024
82 Excavator (Capacity: 0.9m3) 19-12-2024
83 Payloader 19-12-2024
84 Procurement of EGPU 19-12-2024
85 Procurement of Motor Cycle (750cc) 19-12-2024
86 Proc of 04 X Line PAD items for F-7 Series 19-12-2024
87 Proc of 03 X line Shell Cartridge with link for F-7 19-12-2024
88 Hoist Boom frame with electrical harness & all Accessories 19-12-2024
89 Repair and Overhauling of 13 X Line RD Items of MIG-29 Aircraft 19-12-2024
90 Procurement of Avionics Spares for YAK-130 Aircraft 19-12-2024
91 Repair and Overhaul of 15 X Line RD Components of L-410 UVP E-20 AC 19-12-2024
92 Procurement of Parts Number 8AT.2710.000 OR 8AT-2710-00 Main Rotor Blade 19-12-2024
93 Procurement of 37 X line items for Aircraft Arresting Barrier 19-12-2024
94 Procurement of 37 X Line items for aircraft arresting Barrier 19-12-2024
95 Procurement of Spares for 02 X AST Radar 19-12-2024
96 Procurement of avionics spares for Bell-206 19-12-2024
97 Repair of unserviceable 16 X line 19-12-2024
98 Repair of Unserviceable avionics eqpt of K-8w 19-12-2024
99 Repair of unserviceable avionics spares of f-7BG 19-12-2024
100 Procurement of avionics spares for F-7BGI/FT 19-12-2024
101 Procurement of avionics spares for F-7BG/FT 19-12-2024
102 Procurement of 99X line items of F-7BGI 19-12-2024
103 Procurement of 87 X line items 19-12-2024
104 Procurement of 226 X line items 19-12-2024
105 Procurement of 296 X line Items 19-12-2024
106 Procurement of avionics Spares for K-8W 19-12-2024
107 Repair and Overhaul of 18 Line RD Components 19-12-2024
108 Fire Fighting Suit 19-12-2024
109 Overhauling of 03 X AL-25TLK Eng 19-12-2024
110 Overhauling Of 06 X Saphir-5C 19-12-2024
111 Optical Fiber Cable 22-12-2024
112 Fd Tel Cable 22-12-2024
113 Repeater station for walkie 22-12-2024
114 Walkie Talkie set 22-12-2024
115 Fd Tel Exch 20 Lines 22-12-2024
116 Spare Parts for Repeater sta 22-12-2024
117 Non Linear Junction Detector 22-12-2024
118 EOD Water Jetting Set Qty-03 Nos 22-12-2024
119 EOD Trepanning Machine 22-12-2024
120 Under Door Remote Viewing Kit 22-12-2024
121 CN/BCN-0161 Tin Mess MK-3 22-12-2024
122 Coverall Flying 23-12-2024
123 Helmet Flying with Oxygen Mask for YAK 130 AC 23-12-2024
124 Helmet Flying for MI-Series Heli (NVG Helmet) 23-12-2024
125 Autonomous Underwater Search System 23-12-2024
126 Marine Bridge Simulator 23-12-2024
127 Single Rescue Hoist assembly for single rescue hoist 23-12-2024
128 Hand Held Laser Welding Machine With Wire Filling System 23-12-2024
129 Repair and Overhaul of 01 X Reductio Gear Box 23-12-2024
130 Procurement of 230 line items 23-12-2024
131 RRC for Procurement and Repair/Overhaul of Spare Components 23-12-2024
132 Procurement of Rocket POD 80 MM Along with all Accessories for MI Series Helicopter 26-12-2024
133 Beg Kit 26-12-2024
134 Tactical Mini UAV (ISR) 29-12-2024
135 Spare Parts for MI 171 SH Hel 29-12-2024
136 Life Extension of 2X MI 171 Series Helicopter 29-12-2024
137 Spare Parts for MI 171 SH Hel 29-12-2024
138 Ultrasonic Wall Thickness Meter 29-12-2024
139 Explosive Detector 29-12-2024
140 Bomb Suppression Container 29-12-2024
141 Battery Various Sizes for Different Vehicle (Qty-06 line item) 29-12-2024
142 Renewal of Propulsion System of BNS Anushandhan 30-12-2024
143 Renewal of Propulsion System of BNS Turag and BNS Karotoa 30-12-2024
144 Fuel Oil Separator (Centrifuge) 30-12-2024
145 Sonar Simulator 30-12-2024
146 Extension of TBO Calendar Life of 06 X AI-222-25 Engine of YAK-130 Aircraft 30-12-2024
147 Overhaul of 03 X F-7BG and FT-7BG Aircraft 30-12-2024
148 Repair and Overhauling of 03 X TA 14-130 APU Engine of YAK-130 AC 30-12-2024
149 Overhauling and Life Extension of 03 X KCA-2 Accessory Gear Box Series-2 of MIG-29 AC 30-12-2024
150 Procurement of 01 X line PD9C Missile depot tester (MDT) with online UPS 30-12-2024
151 Reliving of gurt-m complex with all accessories for testing air launched guided weapon 30-12-2024
152 Reliving/Overhauling of Rescue Hoist Assy 30-12-2024
153 Overhauling of 07 X HS-6A Engine of PT-6 30-12-2024
Flash Message
Call for Evaluation/Re-evaluation/Standardization
Ser Name Published Date
Ser Name Published Date
01 Compressor Trailer (HP)/H... 23-08-2023
02 Ground Power Unit (Veh Mo... 08-08-2023
03 Ground Power Unit (Trolly... 28-02-2023