![Maj Gen Mohammad Saadat Hossain,](http://dgdp.gov.bd/public/storage/tender_file/dg_20250106102341.jpg)
Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim.
The role of Directorate General Defence Purchase (DGDP) is to support the procurement system of the Bangladesh Armed Forces. We work collaboratively with Services Headquarters, suppliers, and other key stakeholders to achieve our common procurement goals. Over the years, we have continuously evolved our procurement system to be more dynamic, transparent, and accountable. We promote open dialogue and collaboration among all stakeholders, enabling us to address pertinent issues and challenges together. Our ultimate goal is to instill confidence and build strong relationship between various stakeholders within the procurement ecosystem. As the Director General of DGDP, I would like to reiterate that we are committed to provide a trustworthy and supportive platform to all stakeholders related to defence procurement system. May Allah bless us all.
To effect purchases of defence stores and material from indigenous sources and abroad against demands of the three services and other defence organizations and disposal of surplus serviceable, obsolete and obsolescent stores.
History of DGDP
There was a purchase wing of Director Defence Purchase (DDP) of the then Pakistan near Dhaka Cantonment. After independence in 1971 DGDP started its odyssey in humble way. The 07 (seven) Bangladeshi employees of the then DDP wing in Dhaka formed a nucleus and have started the job of DDP. Few Bangladeshi (five) also came back from Pakistan and joined in DDP. At this time, DDP had been working as adhoc basis.
08 January 1972
On 08 January 1972, under a memorandum of Ministry of Defence, DDP formed officially and started function from combined workshop which was located at Dhaka Cantonment.
During that time, DDP was accommodated at building number 202 and 208 in combined workshop in Dhaka Cantonment.
09 November 1972
On 09 November 1972, DDP was formed and had started job from a tin shed building which is located near Jahangir gate MP Check Post.
13 January 1973
On 13 January 1973, DDP was relocated to Cantonment Bazar in Dhaka Cantonment.
30 March 1976
Directorate General of Defence Purchase in short DGDP became the new name of the then DDP on 30 March 1976.
19 April 1977
On 19 April 1977, DGDP again relocated to 110/A Banani which was known as the house of Monaem Khan (the Ex Governor of East Pakistan).
DGDP relocated herself at present location near Mohakhali in 1981.
29 May 1997
With the increase of work volume, DGDP was re-structured under the order of Ministry of Defence on 29 May 1997 and since then she is performing her job satisfactorily
New Features
Modifications and developments of this site will be a continuous process. Helpful features to all users may be integrated or discarded on requirement basis. Following features are recently integrated.
Suppliers can easily access and download all the policies regarding registration and procurement from the home page of DGDP website.
Sorting of Tender
Tender information is placed in home page in different sorting ways as tender opening date using calendar, wing wise tenders opening and latest tenders (current week and month). Suppliers can also search any tender by its number, name, type, section and date of opening and selling.
Amendment on tender is included in separate column of tender page (if any).
Suppliers can have a look on important notice, retrieve and download previous notices from the notice board.
Suppliers’ enlistment and registration related information are placed under registration tab.
Citizen Charter
Services with respective section of different wings of DGDP are mentioned both in English and Bangla.
Submit Query
Suppliers can submit any query regarding tender to concerned officer through Submit Query Panel placed in contact page.
You can reach to us through feedback button in contact page for your valuable opinion for developing a modern and user friendly DGDP website.
Procurement of defence stores indented by three Services Headquarters and other Defence Organizations
Disposal of surplus serviceable / repairable, obsolete and obsolescent defence stores.
Liaison with three Services Headquarters, National Board of Revenue, Financial Controller (Defence Purchase), Financial Controllers of three Services, Sadharan Bima Corporation and other concerned organisations in connection with the defence procurement.
Liaison with Embassies / High Commissions of Bangladesh abroad in connection with defence procurement.
Liaison with capability of defence oriented local industries / manufacturers.
Render advice to Prime Minister's Office, Armed Forces Division regarding policy of defence procurement.